Friday, July 15, 2011

Third day of training (Post by GIRISH RAVAL)

About Guru Purnima
      Devotional worship of the Guru - the preceptor - is one of the most touching and elevating features of the Hindu cultural tradition. The auspicious moment of Vyaasa Poornima, chosen for observing this annual festival, is no less significant. I
      The Guru in the Hindu tradition is looked upon as an embodiment of God himself. For, it is through his grace and guidance that one reaches the highest state of wisdom and bliss.
Gururbrahmaa gururvishnuh gururdevo Maheswarah |
Guruh-saakshaat parabrahma tasmai shrigurave namah ||
      Various have been the great sages and saints who have been the spiritual and religious preceptors to countless individuals down the centuries. 
      No one knows when and how this flag came into being. It is an ancient as the Hindu people themselves. It has flown over the hermitages of the seers and sanyaasins and also over the celestial palaces of emperors.

      The color of the Bhagava Dhwaj - the saffron, depicting renunciation and service, epitomizes the culture of Bharat. 
Ishaa Vaasyamidam sarvam, yatkincha jagatyaam jagat |
Tena tyaktena bhunjeethaah maa gridhah kasyaswiddhanam ||
      "God is the lord of all creation. After offering to Him, enjoy only that which is left over by Him. Do not rob what belongs to others."
      Acquiring of wealth is no sin but utilizing all of it for one's own self and one's own family is very much so. In the Bhagavad Geeta Sri Krishna warns: 

      Says Sri Golwalkar Guruji: "Herein comes the genius of the Hindu viewpoint which prepares the individual's mind for this adjustment.
      The pride of place given to men of sacrifice in the Hindu tradition was reflected in every stratum and aspect of life.

The Upanishads declared -
Na karmanaa, na prajyaa dhanena tyaagenaike amritatwamaanashuh.
      It is not through actions, progeny or wealth but through renunciation alone that immortality is attained. Needless to say, it is not the physical abandonment of these aspects of human life that is advocated here. 

      The Bhagawa Dhwaj is the most resplendent emblem of this sublime philosophy. And, worship of this holy flag on this Guru Poornima Day is intended to instil in us this positive Hindu attitude towards life. 

      The annual function of Sri Guru Pooja presents a moment of introspection for us to check up how far we have progressed in this path over the last one year, and take lessons from it and resolve to march faster in the current year.




  3. महीने Ashadha की पूर्णिमा के दिन गुरू पूर्णिमा के रूप में मनाया जाता है. हिंदुओं 'गुरू - शिष्य' ('शिक्षक छात्र') परंपरा बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, यह शिक्षा या आध्यात्मिक हो. गुरुओं अक्सर भगवान के साथ बराबर हैं और हमेशा व्यक्तिगत और अमर के बीच एक कड़ी के रूप में माना.इस दिन आध्यात्मिक उम्मीदवारों और भक्तों पूजा महर्षि व्यास, जो गुरुओं के गुरु के रूप में माना जाता है. व्यास पूर्णिमा बुलाया.

  4. dear sir
    today i learn calc & presantation
    with very well,i also learn new more things about them.Thank you sir
    From - jagdish patel

  5. hello sir,
    today we learn about powerpoint presentation.
    i think to make a ppt file for save environment.
    my level guide line is as under.....

    Save The Environment : Save The Environment Conserve and Protect our Environment

    Our Ocean : Our Ocean Over 80% of all life lives in the Ocean Our ocean provides us with special minerals, energy and protein Our ocean created over 50% of our oxygen supply Our ocean drives our weather systems

    How We’re Hurting the Environment : How We’re Hurting the Environment We are destroying the ocean and polluting the air by making and using plastic bags We are polluting the ocean by using cars We are polluting the air and ocean by using pesticides

    Paper and Plastic Bags : Paper and Plastic Bags 12 million barrels of oil used to produce 30 billion plastic bags a year Millions of these bags are dumped every year. Averaged use time of a bag is only 12 min! These bags are not only hurting our oceans but they are wasting energy and polluting our environment

    Cars Pollute the Ocean Too! : We understand that Cars pollute the air, but they also pollute the ocean as well. When the fumes rise into the sky and mix with rain, which forms acid rain. Acid rain causes widespread ecological damage Cars Pollute the Ocean Too!

    Pesticides : Pesticides The use of pesticides hurt our environment and oceans The Use of Chemical cleaners and detergents hurt our oceans

    How you can help… : How you can help… Buy reusable bags Walk or ride a bike to places that are short distances Carpool when possible Dispose of recyclables properly Use rechargeable batteries Use less water Decrease use of pesticides or use Organic alternatives Use Bio-Degradable detergents and cleaners

    The End : The End

    i hope that you like it.

  6. hello sir,
    i want to make ppt file of environment.
    for that my favourite subjects are like global warming, save water, ganga pollution, voice pollution.
    todays session is very good.

  7. hello sir,
    today i learned about how to make ppt files.
    today session is very good and very helpful.

  8. today is forth day
    i am very happy
    today session is very healthy
    thanks sir
